Monday, July 5, 2010

Le Pier

Im on Pier duty with Gus but no campers are here... so that makes for a perfect time to blog.
This weekend we (the teameffort staff) got to hang out with Karen's ministry staff (Bri, Kelly, Emily, and Luke) and it was loads of fun. Have you ever played Neos? They look like something from the Jetsons and they are the most exciting thing. Let me see if i can explain this... it's like a cage or a wall, depending on which one you go to, of lights that you have to catch or hit, depending on which game you play. One person has to get the red lights and the other green. It gets so intense and you're running around and into one another and you get a little dizzy. Don't you wish i had a picture? 

This week's group is my favorite so far. We have already made another tribe.. "Panasty-nast" (For the nasty paint) Of course i am the chief and my face got attacked with war paint. I have a heart, many dots and lines, and a swirled mustache at the moment. I plan to keep it on through chapel. 

Oh here's something! We no longer have campers or complete strangers walking into our house! That's good right? You see we put a sign on our door that says "Staff Only" and "No, This is Not the Sea Palms Office". That solved that right up. 

All of you lovely people need to check your mailboxes because I just might have sent you some love in the form of a postcard. 

Cooper out!


Mom said...

I checked my mailbox and no love for me.

Forgotten Mom

Robin said...

I checked my mailbox and no love for me.

Forgotten Mom