Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I just had the most terrifying and hilarious thing happen to me...
OK so i am taking my morning walk as usual and i spotted this big black crow in the middle of the road feasting on some fresh squirrel carcass... perfect time to take a picture right? I took a couple on my phone and kept walking. And then it happened...
This little brown bird swoops down and pecks me in the head and almost takes my ponytail out! I turned around to see if it was the crow and this little bird is flying right in front of my face like staring me down!!!
I guess he was like the crow's side-kick hit-man or something. He had about three more hovering above him in case some idiot dared to take another picture. 
Needless to say i screamed for dear life and ran all the way home. 
Yes you better believe there will be pictures... I just have to figure out how to get them on here off my cell phone.

I guess Canada Day is making those birds loopy...


Gary Durbin said...

Thst's amazing and frightening.

Gary Durbin said...

I went running this morning and there was two squirrels fighting. One took off when I got close. The other sat there and stared at me, even as I got closer. Needless to say, I stopped until it took off. All I could think about was your bird attack.