Monday, November 23, 2009


There is something that makes me anxious about the question: "What is your calling?." 

I heard it a lot growing up and i hear it even more at a Christian college. When it gets thrown my way i automatically tense up and end up blurting out something like "social work, because it's like tangible counseling." 

Im not even sure about what that is, really. 

I guess some people have a big, beautiful "mission", like adopted kids or Africa. 
I do not, at least not yet. 

Like i said, it is kind of unnerving when i don't have an answer to that question. I mean, am i really a loving Christian? Don't all good Christians have a perfectly clear vision of their future "ministry"? 

Im learning that while i do not have a war to fight. No specific cause to advocate. I can fight and love in the small things. 

The small actions. The small thoughts and prayers. The small words. The small, quick smiles. 

That is something i can do. 
I actually love doing it. I love to create small love for people in notes, coffee dates, gifts, cookies.  
Maybe God put a "small" love in me. 

Living and loving in the small things has made living a loving and lot less stressful. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Call": To love God and to love your neighbor as yourself.

That sums up what all "calls" should be focused upon.
