Tuesday, July 28, 2009


God showed me something on a walk the other day...

I used to think childlike faith, as it says in the Bible, is a lot like being gullible. 

I used to think it meant, "Don't ask questions, just believe like children believe in Santa Claus or fairy tales."

But that contradicts what i've learned about Christianity. 

We are supposed to test things. 

And if we believe blindly, can God be pleased with that?

Doesn't Jesus want us to have faith in the hard times?

On my walk i saw to adorable little girls playing on a slip and slide. 

They weren't slippin' n sliddin' but they were having fun talking and sippin' n spittin' the water out of the spout part. 

They were just enjoying the summer day...

Not worrying about the chemicals in the water they were drinking. 

Not discussing and arguing over the most expedient way to play.

Not thinking over how sad it was that the summer was almost over. 

...They just played. 

I'm beginning to think "childlike faith" has less to do with believing in God more to do with believing God. 

A lot of times i pray-- no, beg, for more faith so i can do "big things" (whatever those are)

for God and other people. 

I stress myself out!

I was actually walking that day to get "unstressed". 

I miss the days when i was a kid sometimes. 

It wasn't that it was easier. My little crisis's seemed huge to me then, but i somehow knew that it would be fine in the end. After all, my parents could fix anything. 

I think God intends for us to have this childlike mindset all of our lives. 

A childlike faith that doesn't worry about the things that could "contaminate us". 

That doesn't stress itself out over a decision on "where it's best to serve God". 

That doesn't dwell on how much better you could of done. 

I think God just wants us to love Him and go from there..

I think He just wants us to play.

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