Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sorry to all of my lovely fans (ha!) for not blogging sooner... as you see i am currently under attack. Yes, attack. The war started Saturday night when my skin started itching and Sunday morning was when the full out seige began. The foe?...BEDBUGS. I woke up covered in red bumps that looked like chicken pox and itched like cuuraazzy! The friends i have made here are amazing to say the least. They helped me find a way to the hospital and are still helping me disinfect the room. I am actually writing this from the laundromat while I wait for our (hopefully) clean sheets to dry. We think we've almost defeated the enemy but i still look like a plucked chicken unfortunately. More on that saga later when i figure out how to get pictures on here.

Other news: I felt like a superhero yesterday at our worksite. Before we even began the sheetrocking... ahem, i mean "sharockarockin" one of the adult leaders fell on a brick and gashed a hole so deep in her kneecap that i could see the muscle i think (sorry.. too much?) I felt like the cheesy people on those first aid videos because i did everything right. Cleared the scene, got directions to the nearest hospital, cleaned the wound, and wrapped it, and tranported the victim to the emergency room. She had to get stiches, but it was awesome.

The night chapels have been going somewhat smoothly. We lost power last night but got it back right in time to start. It was a VERY cool service, however  I will have to blog later about that one... the sheets are almost done.

Sorry for any typos. My itchy hands are my excuse.



Mom said...

Please leave the bedbugs in Myrtle Beach when you come home. You will be required to strip down on the driveway and I will pressure wash you with hot water before entering the house.
Can't wait to see you in 8 more sleeps.
I love you

Rachel said...

heyyy! I'm a fan haha! youre pretty awesome with the whole bedbug thing. I wouldve died. Miss you. Do good :) love love!