Today was beautiful. Actually the last two days have been. Yesterday the girls on staff went to Mrs. Janice's house for the most delicious low country boil. Emily has worked on her house a lot this summer and has become like part of their family. Mrs. Janice’s daughter died when she was 22 and her spunky granddaughter Jayana now lives with her. Emily says she thinks she has opened up to her so much because she is a lot like her daughter.
After lunch we all snuggled up on the couch and watched a murder mystery on lifetime. It was nice to be in a real home for a while, and not to mention having a real home cooked meal.
Later yesterday three staff from Gatlinburg came in and I love them all. Jon is a worksite beast, Megan is the sweetest girl, and Griffin leads worship with Matt and Natalia and has a superb ghetto alterego. I really wish they were staying for more than a week.
This morning we all went to the Korean church for their 27th year anniversary celebration service. Yeah! Here’s what’s up: last week we all had a major change of plans at the church and had to paint the ceiling. It was a little frustrating because our walls were halfway painted and ceiling wasn't going to look good without popcorn texture. But later they explained that they had to have it painted so they could go ahead and put the lights and air conditioning in. They wanted to have their anniversary service in their new building whether it was finished or not. I told Mrs. Hye we were coming to the sunday morning service last night but she decided not to tell the pastor or anyone else because she wanted us to be their surprise. I wish you could see the look on their faces and tears in the eyes when all 13 of us walked in.
Other than the scaffolding in the back and the paint tape around the window frames and doors it looked like a real church. I couldn't understand most of the message but I knew what it was about. He spoke on a passage in Luke-- the one about how to pray and the power of persistent prayer. Throughout the message I kept hearing "TEAMeffort" and I knew he was talking about us being the fruit of the church's prayers. The members told us so over a delicious, authentic Korean lunch. One older lady who had been a part of the church since the beginning told us that we were a miracle to them.
Their appreciation and warm hugs made me forget about the splotches on the walls and the many other imperfections that annoy me. The people there remind me of little kids on Christmas morning when they walk into the new church. It's not just thankfulness that I see but awe and excitement. I can now understand why they were so anxious to move in. They just couldn't wait to see their new home! I love that! That is the joy of the Lord! They are the body and bride of Christ and they are so beautiful!
I am so thankful that it was easy to see the kingdom come and the will of God done on my worksite because some homeowners aren't grateful. I've heard stories of homeowners asking for thousands of dollars so they could hire their own builders who would do a more quality job. I don't know if i'd be as gung-ho about working on the church if they were like that. I'm so happy that the Korean church is loving and giving, but I don't want to say that that's the reason i do the work. I want my motivation for working at TEAMeffort or anywhere else to be the same whether people care or even notice. I want my reason for working, giving, and living to be the glory of God. I want Him to be so important to me that I have no other reason for doing anything. 1 Cor. says that I can move mountains, but without love it is worthless. I want to love fiercely before I get recognized or appreciated for doing great things. I mean why would I take credit? Don’t all good things come from God anyway?
That is what I’m learning this summer. I pray that I can have this kind of heart next year as an RA. Surprisingly I feel really good about going right into another year as an RA. I thought I’d be burnt out from this summer but the more I work the more rejuvenated and refocused I feel. It’s funny how faith works isn’t it?
Doris and I are chillin in the chesty-chest waiting on my last group of campers to come in. Something dramatic is on TV so im going to peace out.
Love to all!